Journey-healing method
The Journey healing method initiates a gentle, yet very powerful healing process. It was developed by Brandon Bays and is a globally recognized method. This has already helped countless people to sustainably heal injuries, traumatic experiences and the most diverse causes behind symptoms. It is a complete forgiveness that is extremely liberating and precedes the full healing and letting go. Once you let go, you have both hands free to embrace life and live!
The Journey is actually a journey in which the old cell memories are revealed and healed in the body. This clears the way for the activation of self-healing powers and access to the enormous internal resources that you have. Your “joie de vivre” can bubble again!
The journey also works very well with children. While an adult travel session takes about 1.5 to 2 hours, children travel much faster! In addition, it helps children to become more confident, stronger and empowered in challenging situations and to find creative solutions.
The Adult Journey Session costs € 100,00 and a session for children € 40,00 (should this price be too high for you, then give it what you can and you are welcome in any situation).
For more information about the Journey, visit